Region: Berlin
Civil rights

Keine Bühne für Vorverurteilung. Die Konzerte von Rammstein müssen stattfinden - auch in Berlin.

Petitioner not public
Petition is addressed to
Iris Spranger (Senatorin für Inneres und Sport), Joe Chialo (Senator für Kultur und Gesellschaftlichen Zusammenhalt), Timo Rohwedder (Geschäftsführer Olympiastadion Berlin GmbH

608 signatures

Collection finished

608 signatures

Collection finished

  1. Launched July 2023
  2. Collection finished
  3. Submitted on 05 Sep 2024
  4. Dialog with recipient
  5. Decision


What are arguments in favour of the petition?

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By publishing my post, I accept the terms of use and privacy policy from openPetition. Insults, defamations and untrue statements of fact are reported.

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By publishing my post, I accept the terms of use and privacy policy from openPetition. Insults, defamations and untrue statements of fact are reported.

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By publishing my post, I accept the terms of use and privacy policy from openPetition. Insults, defamations and untrue statements of fact are reported.


What are the arguments against the petition?

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By publishing my post, I accept the terms of use and privacy policy from openPetition. Insults, defamations and untrue statements of fact are reported.

Ein wirklicher Fan würde bei solchen Anschuldigungen weinend jedoch ohne zu zögern auf das gebuchte Konzert verzichten, das gekaufte Ticket mit einem Post-it-Sticker versehen - !Konzert erst wieder bei einwandfrei erwiesener Unschuld! - + wegschließen.



5 Counterarguments
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By publishing my post, I accept the terms of use and privacy policy from openPetition. Insults, defamations and untrue statements of fact are reported.

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By publishing my post, I accept the terms of use and privacy policy from openPetition. Insults, defamations and untrue statements of fact are reported.

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