
Çfarë janë argumentet në favor të peticionin?


anti child pornography now! Consume sempervideo now! Do no longer hesitate as this f**k has to stop! I can no longer therefore access blocklists for some reason, these blocklists contain info on what pages are there TO BE BLOCKED, NOT DOWNLOADED AT ALL. This material was BENINGly viewable up until CP F**K appeared here for no apparently known reason by me. This f**k needs UTTER DELETION FROM THE INTERNET AS A WHOLE. DO NO LONGER ACCESS THE DEEP WEB!!! IT IS NOW NO LONGER FIGHTABLE HERE ANYMORE!!! SITUATION IS CHAOTIC HERE AND OUT OF ORDER!!! DO NO LONGER ACCESS THE DEEP WEB! ONLY S**T HERE!!!

burim :


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Ndihmoni në forcimin e pjesëmarrjes së qytetarëve. Ne duam t'i bëjmë shqetësimet tuaja të dëgjohen dhe të mbeten të pavarura.

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