
Zakaj je peticijo vredno podpreti?


Ich spreche als wandere und mtb fahre (und englaender, also ich muss mutter sprach benutzen) - many of the con arguers just seem to be succumbing to their most primitive instincts and seeking retribution for the occassions where they've come across wreckless and discourtious mtbers. Yes, some mtbers are like that, but punishing everyone is pathetic and the idea that forcing them to use the waldautobahn will solve that particular problem is utterly ridiculous.



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Z objavo svoje objave sprejemam pogoje uporabe in politiko zasebnosti s openPetition . Žalitve, obrekovanja in neresnične navedbe dejstev bodo prijavljene.

Pomagajte okrepiti sodelovanje državljanov. Želimo, da bi bili vaši pomisleki slišani in hkrati ostali neodvisni.

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