Region: Niemcy
Praw obywatelskich

Reform transsexual law - but do it right!

Składający petycję nie jest publiczny
Petycja jest adresowana do
Federal Ministry of Justice and Consumer Protection; Federal Ministry of the Interior, Building and Community

5 698 Podpisy

Składający petycję nie złożył petycji.

5 698 Podpisy

Składający petycję nie złożył petycji.

  1. Rozpoczęty 2019
  2. Zbiórka zakończona
  3. Zgłoszone
  4. Dialog
  5. Nie powiodło się

14.05.2019, 22:15

Change of the original titel, as well as the position of some text in the "Beschreibung" and "Begründung" in the German version of the petition.

Added minor text "- nicht mit uns!" / "- not with us!" that does not change the content of the petition.

Fixed link to the document

Neuer Titel: Against the draft Reform transsexual law for the transsexual law
- but do it right!

Neuer Petitionstext:
**We demand a better and above all dignified change of the first name and civil status change for all transgender people in Germany. We too have a right to self-determination!**
Federal Ministry has published a draft law to reform the current TSG of 1981 with regard to the change of first name and civil status** status (note by the translator: gender entry in the birth certificate and other documents). [1]
From 2020, the two expert opinions required so far will no longer be required and instead "qualified advice" with a certificate will suffice. **Nevertheless, a judicial procedure must be followed to have the gender entry and the name adapted.** adapted.**
The draft comprises 31 pages, which were sent at noon on 8. May 2019 as a circular letter to various associations by circular mail, which have only 2 days to comment, i.e. until 10. May 2019. According to the explanatory memorandum of the law, the advisors remain the same as before - the content will hardly change at all.
**What will be new is that spouses will now also have to be heard. Or that persons whose applications have been rejected must wait three years before they can submit a new application.** After many years of struggle, we finally want an appropriate change or reform of the law, which also applies to a modern society and makes things easier for us. After all, we are not criminals.

Neue Begründung: Most **Most of those affected by this law do not agree with the bill. **We We wish for a simplification of the first name and civil status change, but not like this!**
What will be new is that spouses will now also have to be heard. Or that persons whose applications have been rejected must wait three years before they can submit a new application.
The fact that you have to wait 3 years for a new application after a rejection is not acceptable from our point of view. The reason alone, if one carries out or has carried out one's sex reassignment surgeries and then, despite transitioning, has to continue to appear in society with the name and gender assigned at birth, is not acceptable for the feeling of the affected person. In addition, the questioning of spouses is not very dignified.
**Any transgender person knows best for themselves what's going on with them. Interrogating the spouses in this case is not an option.** Especially since many spouses separate from their partners in this situation and thus this interrogation could have a negative effect on the person concerned. The new qualified counselling is no different than it has been so far.
**As mentioned, we demand a better and above all dignified change of the first name and civil status change for all transgender people here in Germany. We too have a right to self-determination.**
far - not with us!

Unterschriften zum Zeitpunkt der Änderung: 4945

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