Region: Nepal

Allow Samjhana Pun and Prakash Khatiwada to join the international 10 class in Germany

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1 121 Podpisy

Petycja przyczyniła się do sukcesu

1 121 Podpisy

Petycja przyczyniła się do sukcesu

  1. Rozpoczęty 2019
  2. Zbiórka zakończona
  3. Zgłoszone
  4. Dialog
  5. Sukces

Petycja odniosła sukces!

20.09.2019, 20:40

Dear signers of our petition,

Thank you very much for your very active participation in this petition and its dissemination in your circles, which has been a great success with the number of signatures.
Within less than two days 500 of you had already signed, on Sunday we even exceeded the number 1000. Your numerous comments have shown that we fight for the right thing. In the meanwhile, we have forwarded the petition with your signatures and comments as well as a cover letter to the Nepalese Embassy in Berlin and the German Embassy in Kathmandu. We also sent them to the Honorary Consul General in Stuttgart and the Honorary Consul General in Cologne, Mr. Ram Thapa, because he is an important link between the two countries for the organisations operating in Nepal. Now we have to wait and see what happens.

Best regards
Ellen Dietrich

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