Regione: Wedding

Kiezblock Schillerpark (Berlin-Wedding) | For a livable neighborhood with less traffic 🌱

Peticija adresuota
Bezirksverordnetenversammlung Berlin-Mitte
606 Palaikantis
81% pasiektas 750 surinkimo tikslui
606 Palaikantis
81% pasiektas 750 surinkimo tikslui
  1. Pradėta sausio 2023
  2. Rinkimas vis dar > 7 mėn
  3. Pateikimas
  4. Dialogas su gavėju
  5. Sprendimas

Sutinku, kad mano duomenys būtų saugomi . Aš nusprendžiu, kas gali matyti mano paramą. Galiu bet kada atšaukti šį sutikimą .


2023-01-31 15:35

Kleine Änderung des Kiezblocknamens + Bild

Neuer Titel: Kiezblock Englisches ViertelSchillerpark (Berlin-Wedding) | For a livable neighborhood with less traffic 🌱

Neuer Petitionstext:

Hello, everyone,

We need your vote to improve the quality of life foraround the historic English QuarterSchillerpark in Berlin-Wedding. To this end, we want to noticeably calm traffic within the district. A so-called Kiezblock is to be created for this purpose. A neighborhood block is used to reduce traffic with bollards in appropriate places. Residents, garbage collectors, police or ambulances will still be able to reach any area of ​​the district. However, the district is becoming unattractive for speeders or unnecessary through traffic.

In order to get the concept developed with the help of traffic experts through politics, we need YOUR vote. We are trying to collect 1000 signatures to show local politicians that the project is approved.

We would be very grateful if you could give us your vote for a more climate and environmentally friendly capital.

Thanks in advance!

Unterschriften zum Zeitpunkt der Änderung: 4

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