Regione: Naunhof

Naunhof-Save the Parthe

Pareiškėjas nėra viešas
Peticija adresuota
Landratsamt Grimma/Umweltamt/untere Wasserbehörde/Naunhof/
205 Palaikantis 106 in Naunhof

Peticija nebuvo patenkinta

205 Palaikantis 106 in Naunhof

Peticija nebuvo patenkinta

  1. Pradėta 2021
  2. Rinkimas baigtas
  3. Pateikta 2021-06-21
  4. Dialogas
  5. Baigta

2021-12-01 17:13

parodyti dokumentą

Now, after several inquiries, the answer from the Saxon state parliament has arrived! As to be expected, not exactly promising;) Unfortunately, this is also the case because far too few Naunhof citizens took part, it is a shame that so few are interested in what happens to our Parthe and the neighboring forests without water; (But I hope that with this petition, the community and its citizens will stay in touch a bit about how our Parthe should go on;) If nothing happens, the next petition will be started soon, now you have a little more experience collected all of you stay healthy until next time.

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