Область: Gmina Kobylanka, Zachodniopomorskie, Polska
Защите меньшинств

Ochrona i zachowanie starego cmentarza w Kobylance

Заявитель не публичный
Петиция адресована к
Wójt Mirosław Przysiwek

360 подписи

Петиция способствовала успеху

360 подписи

Петиция способствовала успеху

  1. Начат 2017
  2. Сбор закончен
  3. Отправлено
  4. Диалог
  5. Успех

Петиция была успешной!

29.12.2017, 19:02

The protocol of the Westpomeranian Monuments Preservation Council has been published - it's in Polish and the link is here:

It describes the meeting of the Council with Kobylanka authorities and local activists which took place on 30th November 2017. The most important thing in the protocol is the last, underlined sentence:

All Council members voted for preservation of the cemetery in Kobylanka, in its unchanged form as a historical burial site.

Thanks to all supporters!

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