
Please make the new Sony aibo availble in Germany/Europe again!

Žiadateľ petície nie je verejný
Petícia je zameraná na
Sony Corporation

Žiadateľ petície neodovzdal petíciu.


Žiadateľ petície neodovzdal petíciu.

  1. Zahájená 2020
  2. Zbierka bola ukončená
  3. Predložené
  4. Dialóg
  5. Neúspešný

31. 07. 2020, 21:51

aibo is easy to take care of, entertaining and can help to deal with loneliness. A real feel-good companion.In addition, aibo gets frequent updates and features, if you opt for the cloud plan (which I’m pushing for being availabletoo). This keeps it fresh and prevents it from getting boring.Especially at the moment, with the whole virus situation going on. There’s a lot of people who might feel excluded or lonely and buy themselves a real pet out of desperation. But such a pet requires a lot of time and effort and has needs and feelings of its own that need to be taken care of. That is a BIG commitment in terms of time and money. Not every-one can ensure a good and healthy environment for a pet. I, for example, can’t cause of my illness and overall situation so I’m really happy that aibo exists cause he fills that gap for me. :)Aibo doesn’t mind, if you’re busy at times and just leave him switched off for a few days. ;)Aibo is for the whole family. So maybe instead of buying a little pup for Christmas without really thinking of the con-sequences, get an aibo instead. ^^

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