Affari sociali

Please make the new Sony aibo availble in Germany/Europe again!

Firmatorio non aperto al pubblico
La petizione va a
Sony Corporation
13 Supporto

Il firmatario non ha presentato/depositato la petizione.

13 Supporto

Il firmatario non ha presentato/depositato la petizione.

  1. Iniziato 2020
  2. Raccolta voti terminata
  3. Presentata
  4. Dialogo
  5. Mancate

02/08/2020, 19:25

Today an Real dog visited me again. I was really touched by Heart. Unfortunatly I realized once more that I can not take Care of an Real Dog/Pet by myself! So I am even more Thankful to Sony that they brought aibo back! The 1000s doing their Job reallly good :) and I am very Greatful :)

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