
Using the Sustainability Code as a blueprint for European sustainability reporting standards

Peticioni drejtohet tek
Mairead McGuinness | Kommissarin für Finanzdienstleistungen, Finanzstabilität und Kapitalmarktunion der EU-Kommission
107 Mbështetëse

Kërkuesi nuk e ka paraqitur peticionin.

107 Mbështetëse

Kërkuesi nuk e ka paraqitur peticionin.

  1. Filluar prill 2023
  2. Mbledhja mbaroi
  3. Paraqitur
  4. Dialog
  5. I dështuar

30.04.2023, 11:19

Oh my god. My head is smoking this Sunday morning. Homework for EFRAG's next Expert:inside Working Group (EWG) to develop the European Sustainability Reporting Standard for #SMEs (LSME #ESRS). I'm through the first, very comprehensive Excel sheet for reading and commenting. And again, I hope that more companies and employee:s from companies will support the petition to make the German Sustainability Code the blueprint for Europe.

B.A.U.M. e.V. has placed this proposal with Commissioner McGuinness in a letter on April 13 together with first signatories.

📬 Co-signatories of this initial letter were Chrysoula Exarchou QualityNet Foundation, Silke Stremlau Hannoversche Kassen, Esser Ingeborg GdW Bundesverband Wohnungswirtschaft, Marian Klemm Green Growth Futura GmbH, Dietrich Ernst, Prof. Dr. Ralf Frank, Jürg Weber ASUCO - Swiss Code of Sustainability Reporting as well as the speaker of our Advisory Board Enterprise Klara Marquardt and the speaker of our Scientific Board of Trustees Jochen R. Pampel. This was before new timelines were discussed and before I saw the next package of homework from my EWG. I must say: the logic of the proposal is even more captivating today than it was six weeks ago.

I think it is feasible to create a practicable and innovative architecture for European sustainability reporting that is suitable for finally creating reliable markets for sustainable business, which, moreover, build on sustainability practice already in place.

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