
Using the Sustainability Code as a blueprint for European sustainability reporting standards

Petition is addressed to
Mairead McGuinness | Kommissarin für Finanzdienstleistungen, Finanzstabilität und Kapitalmarktunion der EU-Kommission
107 supporters

Petitioner did not submit the petition.

107 supporters

Petitioner did not submit the petition.

  1. Launched April 2023
  2. Collection finished
  3. Submitted
  4. Dialogue
  5. Failed

We advoate an applicable SME standard that values the systems and processes in place in forward-looking companies interested in achieving valid sustainability management with impact. There is a national reporting standard established in two EU member countries, which meets these demands. One is The Sustainability Code, which is currently updated to CSRD and ESRS accordingly. Developed by an initiative of investors and analysts with best practice sustainability reporters together in a multistakeholder process after the financial crisis 2008 and set up as project by the German Council for Sustainble Development (RNE) since 2012, it was designed to be established on EU level after a successful implementation period in Germany. After a decade of implementation, the German Sustainability Code is successfully established in the biggest market economy in the EU with nowadays 970 applying companies and organizations of all sizes and legal forms. The Code delivers experiences and answers to questions, that are currently discussed in a very risk-focused way in the EFRAG SR working structures. 


We strongly advocate its adaptation at European level – as smart LSME ESRS, if used in the gross version of the Code including CSRD and ESRS fully and as potential VSME ESRS in the established minimum standard approach with the compy or explain approach. The Sustainability Code embodies the proportionality principle, ensuring companies to enter reporting from their respective status quo, describing the individual development process in establishing a sustainability management and reporting. To date, companies adjust the well structured standard with obligatory qualitative and quanitative reporting items with help of the comply or explain principle and allows to add regulatory supplements, if it is needed or desired. The database solution provides practical help for preparation and feedback at no costs. It is as such the perfect plugin solution as national collection hub for the European Single Access Point (ESAP). It could as such help to raise acceptance for the CSRD and accelerate speed for the ESAP implementation. 
Consideration of the Sustainability Code in the context of current EU sustainability regulatory measures and the SDGs as an international reference framework - Prof. Dr. Kerstin Lopatta, Universität Hamburg
Analysis of current Sustainability Code users  based upon data published on the open Sustainability Code database – Yvonne Zwick, chairwoman of B.A.U.M. e.V, German Network for Sustainable Business

Thank you for your support, Yvonne Zwick from Hamburg
Question to the initiator

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  • Dear Ladies, dear Gents,

    as of today (03/06/23), 66 more signatories have responded to the e-petition. Pleaser advertise for signatories in your community once more, so that we may reach the 100 by the end. For the fact that I can't really raise this as a campaign, I think that's pretty good. The e-petition will run for another eleven days and I will not extend it. The fact that the construct makes sense has meanwhile also reached a relevant public. I will continue communications on a point-by-point basis.

    If you want to stay tuned concerning our works and efforts to upbring the Sustainability Code and other sensible works strengthening sustainable business conduct, please join our digital network (, or become B.A.U.M.-member.... further

  • Oh my god. My head is smoking this Sunday morning. Homework for EFRAG's next Expert:inside Working Group (EWG) to develop the European Sustainability Reporting Standard for #SMEs (LSME #ESRS). I'm through the first, very comprehensive Excel sheet for reading and commenting. And again, I hope that more companies and employee:s from companies will support the petition to make the German Sustainability Code the blueprint for Europe.

    B.A.U.M. e.V. has placed this proposal with Commissioner McGuinness in a letter on April 13 together with first signatories.

    📬 Co-signatories of this initial letter were Chrysoula Exarchou QualityNet Foundation, Silke Stremlau Hannoversche Kassen, Esser Ingeborg GdW Bundesverband Wohnungswirtschaft, Marian Klemm... further

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