
A modern school system for our future!

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German Parliamentary Committee on Petitions/Deutscher Bundestag Petitionsausschuss

1 778 Signaturer

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1 778 Signaturer

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  1. Startet 2017
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  5. Mislyktes

Begjæringen er stilet til: German Parliamentary Committee on Petitions/Deutscher Bundestag Petitionsausschuss

I am still a student myself and I am experiencing every day how I have to go to school and boredom most of the day. That's why I was interested in what my classmates actually see. So I gave them the task of evaluating our current school system on a scale of 1-10, with 1 being the worst and 10 the best.

The average score of 26 pupils is 5.4. This is not an incredibly bad value, but looks good in my opinion ... (In order to get a more accurate value, you are welcome to participate in the petition petition, -> link is at the end of the reasoning)

I would find it very unfortunate if a country like Germany, which offers very good opportunities for education, continues to watch as the students are bored during the lesson and do not feel joy in learning.

These are now my exact demands:


  1. A uniform German school system so that not every federal state defines its own educational plan 1.1 Uniform Abitur regulations throughout Germany, so that neither graduates are favored or disadvantaged

  2. The introduction of tablets or laptops for each student to promote independent work and to minimize front-line teaching

  3. After a few years, pupils are allowed to set their own compulsory subjects (for example, from the 8th grade) in order to promote their interests and strengths themselves

  4. Start of school at 8 o'clock at the earliest


  1. (more frequent) debates or discussions in the field of German or politics

  2. Introduction of a subject, in which one deals with current topics that concern the world.

  3. Introduction of a subject in which social, social and psychological issues are addressed. (Also for World & Nature Conservation)

  4. Teaching of self-defense & first aid, for example, in sports

  5. The introduction of the subject "cooking", coupled with nutritional knowledge

  6. The treatment of other musical genres, except classical music

  7. Introduction of hours, in which one fosters the logical thinking

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Please read through carefully to prevent misunderstandings.

  1. In order to achieve these points, a uniform German school system should be created. 1.1 Every graduate should be given the same opportunity to have a place to study or study.

  2. In this case, corresponding softwares could be installed on the devices, which can also be frequently updated / expanded, which is not possible with books. Furthermore, the students can work much cleaner / orderly and the independent work, which is also necessary for the later professional life, is encouraged. In addition, readability is improved. In order to maintain practical writing and fairness, however, class work should still be written on paper.

Numbers: In one year, about 10 different textbooks are given. So, after 10 years of teaching, you have treated about 100 books. A book costs the school circa. 10 € (estimate). This results in a final price of 1000 €. For this money, you could easily make laptops or tablets available. Even if the books are used by several (for example a total of 5) pupils, this still amounts to € 200. In addition, you have to include the costs of the copies.

  1. The pupils should be given the opportunity to set their compulsory or main subjects after a few years. As a result, strengths and interests are promoted and the boredom is significantly reduced.

  2. Many students complain that the school starts too early and that you can not deal well with the subject in the first school lesson. Studies showed that, for example, 20 minutes more sleep already have considerable results. In addition the families would have the opportunity for an adequate & healthy breakfast.

  3. It is important to learn how to discuss and argue among each other meaningfully and respectfully. Furthermore, from the 8th grade onwards, one is mostly concerned with interpreting texts or poems (German).

  4. Through the history of the subject one deals only with the old, long past topics. However, you do not deal with the current messages in any compartment, and leave them outside. It is important that the students learn what is happening in the world and thus effectively contribute to their future.

  5. Particularly on the Internet you often find hate commentaries. One should focus on the respectful behavior. One should simply simply deal with all important ethical, social and social issues. (Also for World & Nature Conservation)

  6. Everyone can quickly slip into a dangerous situation and only a few know how to behave properly there. Furthermore, you have to be able to help each other by providing first aid.

  7. It is known that many Germans are overweight. For this reason, nutritional principles should be taught, combined with practical cooking. This is of great importance since the parents are often themselves overweight and thus can not take over this task.

  8. It is known that, for the most part, only classical music is treated and other genres are neglected or neglected.

  9. Logical thinking (meaning, for example, an IQ test) Is probably one of the most important topics, which must be encouraged. Moreover, this contrasts with the rest of the school material

The final question is probably still, from where one takes the time for the mentioned fan introductions?

The subject matter in the respective subjects can be significantly minimized, since many topics are treated too extensively. As an example, "photosynthesis" is treated for weeks and the diet is only briefly taken. One should not go through every detail down to the smallest detail, but be limited to the main focus.

There were several times the argument that certain subjects could be appropriated. However, it should be borne in mind that the current school subjects themselves could also be acquired for the most part.

I would like to clarify, of course, that some topics that you learn at school are very important! (For example, the world wars or the fundamentals of mathematics)

I am looking forward to any support and would be happy if you would share the petition with your friends! Thank you for your time & your interest.

I am very pleased when you participate in the petition: https://www.umfrageonline.com/s/297afd0

E-mail: improvementesschulsystem@gmail.com

Here you stay up to date: https://www.facebook.com/Ein-zeitgem%C3%A4%C3%9Fes-Schulsystem-2247225418836311/

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Petisjon startet: 03.05.2017
Begjæringen avsluttes: 26.03.2018
Region: Deutschland
kategori: Utdannelse

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