Demanding Action: Government of Germany Put Pressure on Ethiopian Gov´t to Stop Killings of Oromo

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Inițiatorul petiției a fost informat de încălcarea condițiilor de utilizare de către echipa redacțională openPetition și a avut la dispoziție cinci zile pentru a revizui petiția. Acest lucru nu sa întâmplat. Prin urmare, petiția a fost blocată.

Textul petiției

My name is Milkesa, and I have sought refuge in Germany, fleeing the oppressive regime in Ethiopia. As a victim of the government's brutal tactics, I carry the weight of the injustices inflicted upon my fellow Wollega Oromos. Driven by a relentless pursuit of justice, I have taken it upon myself to raise awareness about our plight and urge the German government to recognize and address the human rights violations and extra-judicial killings in Wollega. With every step I take, I strive to bring hope and change for my community, shedding light on the darkness that threatens our very existence.

The petition holds paramount importance as it serves as a beacon of hope for the Wollega Oromo community, including myself, living in Germany. It is a powerful tool to raise awareness about the egregious human rights violations and extra-judicial killings inflicted upon us by the Ethiopian government.
By rallying support and putting pressure on the German government, the petition aims to draw attention to our plight and secure their recognition of the atrocities being committed. It seeks to urge the German government to take concrete actions, such as diplomatic interventions, to address the human rights violations and advocate for justice on our behalf.
The petition serves as a lifeline for justice, ensuring that our voices are heard and our stories are acknowledged. It amplifies the urgency of the situation, compelling the German government to use its influence and diplomatic channels to engage with the Ethiopian government, pushing for accountability and an end to the cycle of violence.

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