Reģions: Braunšveiga

Help us to prevent the closure of the Gaussstraße 16!

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Land Niedersachsen

408 Paraksti

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408 Paraksti

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Lūgumraksts adresēts: Land Niedersachsen

Gausstraße 16 – colorful, inspiring and soon abandoned. Support Gaußstraße 16 by signing our petition! Your help can show, that our house is not just a dormitory but the center of an entire community!


For 58 years, students have been sharing this house, and now it is in need of renovation. The university, our unintentional landlord, is not capable of diverting the required 500,000 €. The rental agreement will be terminated by March 31st. Although we are trying to collect the requiered amount in donations right unitl then, we are also in need of your support! For more information, visit our homepage or follow us on facebook

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Informācija par petīciju

Sākās petīcija: 03.01.2017
Petīcija beidzas: 22.03.2017
Reģions: Braunšveiga
Kategorija: Dzīvošana

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