
Increase the security in Wasserstadt Mitte

Dilekçe halka açık değil
Dilekçe yönlendirildi
Adler Group

32 imzalar

Dilekçe, dilekçe sahibi tarafından geri alınmıştır.

32 imzalar

Dilekçe, dilekçe sahibi tarafından geri alınmıştır.

  1. Başladı 2021
  2. Koleksiyon tamamlandı
  3. Gönderilen
  4. Diyalog
  5. Başarısız

Dilekçe şu adrese gönderiliyor: Adler Group

Due to thefts, robberies, vandalism, pollution, parking at pavements and emergency exits we need to increase the security in our neighborhood.
Especially during this times we want to feel save at home and to develop this to a great neighborhood.
We need restricted parking zones, security guards and it seems likely that we need also camera’s in the common/shared areas.
Also cameras connected with the doorbells would help to feel more save.
This medium should help to address our thoughts and requirements as a group to the Adler-Group to evaluate then possible short & log term solutions together.
Nothing as set in stone - this is just a vehicle to align as a group.


See above

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Dilekçeye bağlantı

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Dilekçe detayları

Dilekçe başlatıldı: 15.04.2021
Dilekçe biter: 14.06.2021
Bölge : Berlin Berlin-Mitte
Konu: Güvenlik



Henüz LEHTE argüman yok.

And are you willing to pay for guards,camaras and security?What did you expect to get moving into a "slum"?Why do you feel unsafe in this multi-cultural environment?

Sivil katılımı güçlendirmek için yardımcı olun. Bağımsız kalırken endişelerinizi duyurmak istiyoruz.

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