Kraj : Mníchov
Obrázok petície Installation of the Uli Hoeneß statue in front of the Allianz Arena

Installation of the Uli Hoeneß statue in front of the Allianz Arena

Žiadateľ petície nie je verejný
Petícia je zameraná na

149 podpisy

Žiadateľ petície neodovzdal petíciu.

149 podpisy

Žiadateľ petície neodovzdal petíciu.

  1. Zahájená 2021
  2. Zbierka bola ukončená
  3. Predložené
  4. Dialóg
  5. Neúspešný

Petícia je adresovaná: FCB-Vorstand

Uli Hoeneß deserves a monument for his work. FC Bayern München and the fans should be grateful to him that they can celebrate the successes today. The triple victory in 2013 and 2020 was the crowning achievement of his work for this club.


Uli Hoeneß have to get a monument - sooner or later. But the honorary president of FC Bayern is not getting any younger and it would be better if he could see the gratitude with his own eyes.

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Informácie o petícii

Petícia začala: 04. 02. 2021
Petícia končí: 03. 04. 2021
Kraj : Mníchov
kategória: Športy

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