Regiji: Regensburg

Interior fitting for idle area of Von-der-Tann-Schule - 330 square metres shall become utilisable!

Pobudnik ni javen
Peticija je naslovljena na
Oberbürgermeister Joachim Wolbergs
169 podpornik 129 v Regensburg

Proces peticije je bil zaključen

169 podpornik 129 v Regensburg

Proces peticije je bil zaključen

  1. Začelo 2016
  2. Zbiranje končano
  3. Oddano
  4. Dialog
  5. Dokončano

We urgently request the interior fitting for the attic to provide enough rooms to the school. This conversion shall be effected soon - in the course of the roof restoration planned for 2017 - to keep the school capable of acting.


Since years pupils and teachers of the Von-der-Tann-Schule (primary school) suffer from shortage of space due to increasing numbers of pupils. Because of this, already in 2012 the city administration Regensburg created a feasibility study. Now the conversion finally shall become realtity. Continuously great shortage of space leads into permanent disturbance of school matters and extracurricular course of life. The school´s rooms are used to capacity as scheduled in the mornings. Urgently needed space for dynamics in daily routine is completely missing. The major consequences of the shortage of space:

  • Special- and multipurpose rooms are turned into permanent classrooms.
  • Teaching aids are stored in the rear of classrooms or in the teachers' lounge.
  • The teachers' changing room is converted into the office for the social worker for youth; the shower is changed to a book shelf.
  • Parents' interviews are partially done in the halls.
  • In the open all day school, rooms to retire or to play are missing.
  • No Space for projects or exhibitions.
  • No Space for new school concepts - e.g. workshop, library, computer room.
  • Bottlenecks and double gearing impact the education. Often, two classes share one classroom.

Further information on the website

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