Регион: Дрезден

Make lectures and courses available online at TU-Dresden

Вносителят на петицията не е публичен
Петицията е адресирана до
Prof. Hans Müller-Steinhagen and Prof. Antonio M. Hurtado

12 Подписи

Вносителят на петицията не е подал/доставил петицията.

12 Подписи

Вносителят на петицията не е подал/доставил петицията.

  1. Започна 2020
  2. Колекцията приключи
  3. Изпратено
  4. Диалогов прозорец
  5. Провалени

Petition richtet sich an: Prof. Hans Müller-Steinhagen and Prof. Antonio M. Hurtado

Investigate the possibility of online courses and lectures at the TU-Dresden. Start taking the necessary steps now to make the TU-Dresden an attractive university. Invest in IT-Infrastructure and know how and create a modern university experience that provides flexibility and excellence


In light of the Corona virus (SARS-CoV-2) and planned postponing of the Summer semester, it has become clear once again, that the TU-Dresden is less prepared than other university's for the future of academia. In contrast to many other Technical University's, at the TU-Dresden we do not have the ability to study from Home or anywhere else, putting life at hold for many of us. Not being able to Study, do internships or travel really leaves many no option but to idle around and potentially wreaks havoc for future plans. It is times like these where the lack of advancement in the everyday university life really becomes apparent. But even in normal University life, many of us have been missing the ability to follow a lecture when being sick, on a short trip somewhere, or just having another lecture coinciding. Some might also want to follow that one course while being on an exchange, just want to review the content or share a really insightful lecture with a friend. Many lectures a packed with information and it is often impossible to digest everything and take notes. Being able to pause and think would appear like a superpower to some and is just a reality to many others at more modern university's.

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Информация за петицията

Petition gestartet: 12.03.2020 г.
Petition endet: 08.04.2020 г.
Регион: Дрезден
категория: Образование

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