Regija: Njemačka

Monkey Robby from circus must stay with his owner!

Podnositelj peticije nije javan
Peticija je upućena na
Verwaltungsgericht Lüneburg, Klaus Köhler

1.544 Potpisi

Podnosilac peticije nije podnio peticiju.

1.544 Potpisi

Podnosilac peticije nije podnio peticiju.

  1. Pokrenut 2017
  2. Zbirka završena
  3. Poslato
  4. Dijalog
  5. Neuspješno

Peticija se upućuje na: Verwaltungsgericht Lüneburg, Klaus Köhler

I started the petition after the court has decide that monkey Robby has to go to a collection station. I don't have a privat connection to Robby or to the Circus Belly, but an animal has to be in his accustomed environment. This decision from the court can kill the monkey. Please give your signature for that.


Everybody who has lost an animal knows how heartbreaking that is it. Robby is family for Klaus Köhler and the remaining circus. Please don't look away. Robby is old and he shouldn't be torn out of his usual environment.

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Informacije o peticiji

Peticija je pokrenuta: 19. 07. 2017.
Peticija završava: 10. 09. 2017.
Regija: Njemačka
Kategorija: Obitelji

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