Regiji: Berlin
Zunanja politika

National Sovereignty for Bavaria - Detaching it from Germany now

Pobudnik ni javen
Peticija je naslovljena na
German Government

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Proces peticije je bil zaključen

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Proces peticije je bil zaključen

  1. Začelo 2015
  2. Zbiranje končano
  3. Oddano
  4. Dialog
  5. Dokončano

Petition richtet sich an: German Government

Political tensions between Bavaria and Germany have been growing for a long time, and they are entrenched in both populations now. The division gets deeper and wider constantly. Therefore a divorce would be the best for all. We call for the outsourcing of Bavaria from the Federal Republic of Germany now!


Currently it is obvious: Bavarians want to keep children from the kindergarten ("Herdprämie"), they want to tax foreign cars on German highways ("Ausländer-Maut") and they refuse incorporation into infrastructural development for sustainable energy supply. Bavarians do not really want to belong to Germany. They even have difficulty with the German language, so many of them would fail the German citizenship test. Already in the past, Bavaria opposed many times the establishment of the European Union. Bavarians are mentally more like Austrians and behaviourally more like the Swiss. The foundation of a "Idiosyncratic Union of the Alps" would be more expedient than the agonising conflicts of the present which obstruct progress on both sides. The historical roots of the conflict are old. It was a main mistake of the 19th century to include Bavaria into the Prussian strategy of German unification. Bribery was necessary to convince the Bavarian King to join the German Empire, and even then he maintained their postal autonomy, for instance. Bavaria should have joined the paths of the Czechs and the Polish after World War I at the latest. On 20 May 1949 the regional parliament opposed the German constitution - another clear statement of non-membership! Bavaria is rooted in the tribe of the Agilofinger, therefore the people are more Austrian than German. This conflict lay dormant for a quarter of a century due to the euphoria after the downfall of the Berlin Wall, but now it forges ahead again. It is time to take the appropriate steps. We suggest to add negotiations about the national independence of Bavaria to the new conferences on the future of Greece. A re-establishment of the Duchy of Bavaria within the borders of 1156 lies in the responsibility of the new nation. Bavarian independence would also be preferable for German football fans because the question of the next Bundesliga champion would be reopened again.

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Petition gestartet: 28. 07. 2015
Petition endet: 27. 09. 2015
Regiji: Berlin
kategorijo: Zunanja politika

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