Região: Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, Schwerin

No deportation of older people. They need protection

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Petitionsausschuss Mecklenburg Vorpommern, Ministerpräsidentin von MV Manuela Schwesig,

89 Assinaturas

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89 Assinaturas

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  1. Iniciado 2018
  2. Colecta finalizada
  3. Submetido
  4. Diálogo
  5. Falhado

Petition richtet sich an: Petitionsausschuss Mecklenburg Vorpommern, Ministerpräsidentin von MV Manuela Schwesig,

Due to the war in Donbass, the area of Donezk, my mother, Liudmyla Kyselova, born in July 4, 1946, was forced to make an application for political asylum in Germany. It is denied that there has been war in Donbass since the spring of 2014, and asylum is refused. In the Ukraine the older generation is very impoverished, not to mention the embattled area, where there is a humanitarian catastrophe. Despite a long life of working, older people get unjustly low pensions (50-70 euros) by wrong calculations. This amount barely covers the operating costs. How shall one feed himself and provide for himself with that sum of money? It doesn't even suffice for the most necessary things, not to mention the medicine. However, people from Donezk do not even receive that low sum. In Ukraine, the money is only paid if one can prove that he has his place of residence in the Ukrainian field. In addition, there are new laws which forbid a payment of the pension to people from the war zone. The people from the other areas of Ukraine hate people from Donezk because, in their opinion, they are responsible for the death of the Ukrainian soldiers in the war. Because of this, they refuse to give the people of Donezk any support. They think of them as brutes, who are worth nothing, and would be better dead. However, what does my mother have to do with that? Why does she have to suffer from this humiliation? She cannot live in peace in such an atmosphere. She struggles with fears and doesn't feel safe at all. She cannot go back home to Donezk. Shooting is constantly occurring there, and a new offensive is expected soon. What shall an old woman do there alone? She wouldn't survive there without any support. Older people need dear people around them, so that they don't have to suffer for the rest of their lives from any lack in mental and physical respect. Nobody from my mother's family is there anymore. Everyone has either already died, or emigrated from this region to the USA. Under the circumstances we believe it is not possible for a 71-year-old woman to begin a new life there, especially in Kiev, where the disturbances are becoming more frequent, and where a new Maidan threatens to break out. The ceasefire in the war zone was never adhered to in Donbass. There is war. My mother has gotten increasingly ill and also depressive. She has incurred more illnesses than she had before. Although she always had a very good memory, she has been forgetful, and has now gotten anxiety attacks. I don't recognize her anymore. She fears to be pushed out of the country again. The thought that there isn't any hope for her in the Ukraine is a heavy burden for her at her age, where she needs much quietness and support. We ask you to give us a possibility of keeping my mother here, and assigning a residence permit/legal status to her for humanitarian reasons. I would love to bring her to Hamburg and provide for her. Her grandchildren are Germans, and they have already started families of their own. My mother is a proud great-grandmother of three great-grandchildren. We are all at home here and we need her. She is a very special person for all of us and she needs us. Nobody is allowed to pull a family apart, because it's unfair and cruel. How long shall she travel through the world? This is unbearable for an old, weak woman. I love my mother and can't allow something bad to happen to her only because we haven't protected her sufficiently. I don't wish for any older person to live in danger, alone in hostile surroundings without a family, and uncertain of being able to die in peace. My mother can't bear to live such a wearing life there, and to be pushed from one place to another. There aren't so many older people anyway who are seeking asylum. One really cannot simply send these people away from Germany without compassion. They need our help. I therefore appeal to you with the explicit call, to assign a residence permit/legal status to my mother for humanitarian reasons!!!


Older people, especially women, who don't have any relatives in their country of origin (Ukraine), and who cannot go back into a war zone (Donezk) because it is simply too dangerous, may not be simply deported. The German government sends older people alternatively in other Ukrainian towns, but there is hate and persecution and the physical intactness isn't ensured. No older person survives there alone! In my ground I refer to the following sections of the asylum law: § 4 Subsidiary protection: A foreigner is entitled to subsidiarily protection if he has given sound reasons for the acceptance that a grave damage threatens him in his country of origin. As a grave damage is regarded: Para. 1, no. 3: a grave individual threat of the life or the intactness of a civilian because of arbitrary force in the context of an international or domestic armed conflict. § 3 Adjudgement of the state as a refugee: Para. 1, 2b) ... in which he had his previous ordinary stay as a stateless person and into which he cannot return or doesn't want to return because of this fear. Deportation ban § 60 Para. 7 Danger for body and life. A foreigner may not be deported, as far as from the application of the convention of November 4th, 1950 for the protection of the human rights and basic liberties (BGBI. 1952 II p. 685) it follows that the deportation is inadmissible. In the name of all signatories. Hamburg, 15.04.2018 (active till 14.10.2018)

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Detalhes da petição

Petition gestartet: 29/05/2018
Petition endet: 14/04/2019
Região: Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, Schwerin
Categoria: Migração

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