
Pedelecs should be equal to bikes!

Firmatorio non aperto al pubblico
La petizione va a
United Nations
11 Supporto 10 in Unione europea

La petizione è stata ritirata dal promotore

11 Supporto 10 in Unione europea

La petizione è stata ritirata dal promotore

  1. Iniziato 2018
  2. Raccolta voti terminata
  3. Presentata
  4. Dialogo
  5. Mancate

For further information, read the following article:

Download the PDF document "Summary on standardization and the legal framework necessary for a bright pedelec future!" here:


This will make it clear to governments that there is wide public support for an amendment to the definition of the bicycle, and for reform of the regulations on pedelecs. The objective is to find supporters in as many governments across the world as possible for this demand to amend the definition of the bicycle at the United Nations.

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The often clever, often extremist, urban designer Colville-Andersen is against pedelecs due to some high moral grounds he puts the cyclists, so pedelecs must be a good thing.

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Maggiori informazioni sul argomento Trasporti

44.123 Firme
29 giorni residuo

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