Region: Kosovë
Image of the petition Peticion
Foreign affairs


Petitioner not public
Petition is addressed to
Kryetarit, Kuvendit, Institucioneve vendore e nderkombrare, Kryetarit austriak

39 signatures

Petitioner did not submit the petition.

39 signatures

Petitioner did not submit the petition.

  1. Launched 2015
  2. Collection finished
  3. Submitted
  4. Dialogue
  5. Failed

Petition is addressed to: Kryetarit, Kuvendit, Institucioneve vendore e nderkombrare, Kryetarit austriak

Kundershtojmë variantin e demarkacionit të kufirit të Republikës së Kosovës me Malin e Zi, i miratuar nga Qeveria e Kosovës, më 12 Gusht 2015


Republikaner e Kosovës dëmtohet për rreth 12 mijë hektarë siperfaqe të territorit të vet!

Thank you for your support

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Petition details

Petition started: 08/23/2015
Petition ends: 08/29/2015
Region: Kosovë
Topic: Foreign affairs

Not yet a PRO argument.

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