Область: Германия

Petition for Filipp S. (16 years old). Stronger Sign Against Violence, Bodily Harm, and Death.

Петиция адресована к
Deutscher Bundestag Petitionsausschuss
12 648 Поддерживающий 12 013 через Германия
24% из 50 000 для кворума
12 648 Поддерживающий 12 013 через Германия
24% из 50 000 для кворума
  1. Начат 20.02.2024
  2. Сбор, последний день
  3. Подача
  4. Диалог с получателем
  5. Решение

Я согласен, что мои данные будут храниться . Я решаю, кто сможет увидеть мою поддержку. Я могу отозвать это согласие в любое время .


This petition arose from the incident in which a 16-year-old young man from Meinerzhagen (North Rhine-Westphalia) was brutally beaten by a group of 15 youths and minors in a skate park on January 30, 2024, resulting in his later death. He only wanted to show civil courage and intervene.

As such cases of assault and worse occur more frequently lately, and the threshold for violence among young people is decreasing, I want to use this petition and your voice to send a message that harsher consequences must follow for the convicted.

Therefore, the following demands are made to the politicians:

  • Tougher, more deterrent penalties for physical violence, especially when the acts have led to someone's death.
  • Harsher penalties for group rapes and group fights.
  • No suspended sentences for the two points mentioned above.
  • Lowering the age of criminal responsibility by 2 years.
  • Complete ban on carrying any kind of knife, regardless of the blade's size.


Why is this petition important?

It's about the safety of all of us in our daily lives. The threshold for violent acts is steadily decreasing. In my opinion, the penalties are far too lenient, and probationary sentences are too often handed down. It seems that this is no longer enough to deter. This needs to change.

Help me to carry this call for help to the politicians.

Help to ensure that the death of Filipp cannot simply happen again, somewhere!

Спасибо вам за поддержку, Colin Finger из Köln
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