Regio: Bremen

Petition to Support the Sponsorship of the "Sportgarten e.V." ("Sports Garden" association)

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Petitie is gericht aan
Bürgermeister Herr Sieling, Senatorin für Soziales, Jugend, Frauen, Integration und Sport Frau Stahmann und die jugendpolitischen Sprecher der Fraktionen in der Bremischen Bürgerschaft

1.098 handtekeningen

De petitie is afgesloten

1.098 handtekeningen

De petitie is afgesloten

  1. Begonnen 2017
  2. Handtekeningeninzameling voltooid
  3. Ingediend
  4. Dialoog
  5. Beëindigd

De petitie is gericht aan: Bürgermeister Herr Sieling, Senatorin für Soziales, Jugend, Frauen, Integration und Sport Frau Stahmann und die jugendpolitischen Sprecher der Fraktionen in der Bremischen Bürgerschaft

The Post „office number 5“ („PO5“), see facebook) must not shut down and must Further be financially sponsored.

The Bremen state wide sponsorship has not been agreed and even the urban district budget has been resigned for the year 2018. Those decisions will highly jeopardize all programms of the Sports garden in the PO 5. Consequently, we call for a financial support of the PO 5 with a required amount of 74.620 €. German regional news paper articles:,-skateranlage-droht-das-aus-_arid,1677973.html


Motivation The Sports garden association inaugurated an indoor skate, scooter and BMX hall at Nov 8th, 2016 in the former post office. The hall is opened daily for public and private schools and opened from Tuesday to Sunday for the public. For kids and teenagers but also for adults it offers a perfect possibiltiy to skate, scoot, BMX and use inliners. Additionally, the PO5 uniquely facilitates to combine offical sports and media programms for all girls and boys. Besides the sports activities the Sports Garden Association is commited to strong collaborations with the FabLab, the Mobile Game Lab and the Chaos Computer Club Bremen. All those are using the same facility. All students can use the recreation area of the skate hall and join the programs for digitalization at the same time, learn the use of IT media, spread their knowledge by using selfmade drones, 3D-printing and Laser-Cutting. The conveyed knowledge base and skills are a great preperation for the future of all individuals. Its is more than relevant for the town and in its way difficult to find any alternative at a different place in town. The skate hall has a good reputation for its achievements and the quality of ramps. Citywide, around the country, - even in other European countries it is well known. It attracts a lot users every day. Nonetheless it is a perfect location close to the main station and is a central location easily to reach for all kids, teens and adults around the town. Indisputably, the Sports Garden offers a very important contribution to foster the social competence of kids, integration and inclusion. The Bremen senate for construction, environment and traffic, economy, work and harbor, the senat for social affairs, youth, women, integration and sports as well as the urban councils of Findorff, Schwachhausen and Central of Bremen have supported the establishment of the skate hall. Additionally, they logistcally enabled its construction and finding a proper location. The department for youth has been embeded constantly through is procedure of particpitation in all descisions. After sale of a part of the main station place with its former skate area the skate hall of the PO5 builts an important, indispensable alternative for our youth and further sports and media activities.
In the name of all signees

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Gegevens met betrekking tot de petitie

Petitie gestart: 23-12-2017
De petitie eindigt: 25-01-2018
Regio: Bremen
Categorie: Sport

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