Terület: Németország

Plastic carcass instead of Christ corpus | City Church Mönchengladbach Germany

A petíció benyújtója nem nyilvános
A petíció címzettje
SE Bischof Dr. Helmut Dieser (Bischof von Aachen)

719 Aláírások

A petíciót a petíció benyújtója visszavonta

719 Aláírások

A petíciót a petíció benyújtója visszavonta

  1. Indított 2019
  2. A gyűjtés befejeződött
  3. Benyújtott
  4. Párbeszéd
  5. Sikertelen

A petíció címzettje: SE Bischof Dr. Helmut Dieser (Bischof von Aachen)

Since the end of September 2019 Father Christoph Simonsen exhibits a cross that looks like an animal carcass is fixed on it, headless with 4 limbs, in his office of the City Church Alter Markt Moenchengladbach (Germany).

The disfigured cross is publicly visible - just behind the Father's office chair and separated from the interior of the church only by a glass door.

This representation of the cross-suffering God and Lord Jesus Christ has already provoked uprising among many Catholics. Neither Father Simonsen nor the Diocese of Aachen spoke out against this cross representation - on the contrary, this representation was appreciated as an object of art that was "valuable and indispensable" and would lead to "deep and reflected discussions of faith" with visitors. Statements were rejected by all contacted persons.

The diocese refuses dialogue and our bishop even seeks to protect these representations under a special concept of art!!

The permission of public blasphemous works of art in our diocese must be stopped. We appeal to our bishop Dr. Helmut Dieser, to exercise his ministry and to remove at once this shameful art and insult to God!

Therefore we ask for your signature on openpetition or by post (documents & address here: christus-rex.de)

Thank you and God bless you for your efforts!!


This abominable portrayal of the cross is deeply offense to God and to many faithful Catholics, as well as a spiritual threat for visitors of the city church in monchengladbach to lose faith.

A cross with a disfigured plastic carcass is a great, unprecedented, blasphemy and does not belong in the holy interior of a church. That is why we ask the Bishop of Aachen, Dr. Helmut Dieser, to let this “abomination that causes desolation“ not be recognized as art, but to be removed from our church!

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A petíció részletes meghatározása

A petíció elkezdődött: 2019. 11. 12.
A petíció véget ér: 2020. 02. 08.
Terület: Németország
Kategória: Közjólét

Ezt a petíciót lefordították a következő nyelvekre


  • Nachricht zu einer abgeschlossenen Petition

    2019. 12. 03. -on,-en,-ön,-án,-én

    Dear supporters of our petition,

    On Friday, 29.11.2019, the article "Anger for Cross in the City Church" has been published in the German newspaper "Rheinische Post". In this article, Fr. Simonsen, the pastor of the City Church, explains that the Corpus on the cross in the City Church is not a pig, but the "Lamb of God."

    "In reality, an artificial body in the form of a lamb hangs on the cross. The shape is covered with a prepared skin and blood-soaked gauze bandages." (Rheinische Post, Mönchengladbach Kompakt, Friday, 29.11.2019)

    It is regrettable that this clarification had to be made through the media and not in a personal conversation, as both Fr. Simonsen and em. dean Fr. Cremer refused to clarify this situation in personal. Unfortunately,... további

  • Änderungen an der Petition

    2019. 11. 30. -on,-en,-ön,-án,-én

Még nincs PRO érv.

Wenn es denn den tatsächlichen Gegebenheiten entsprechen würde... Leider hat die Petentin 'vergessen' zu erwähnen, dass das Schwein ein Lamm und das Kreuz ein Kunstobjekt von Beuys/Grimm ist, wobei das Lamm hier in den immer wiederkehrenden Bezug zur Bibel zu setzen ist. Also nix mit Blasphemie. Vielleicht mag man sich mal um wirklich christliche Werte und Angelegenheiten kümmern, anstatt mit einer Petition seine persönlichen Vorlieben und Abneigungen (von anderen gestützt) durchsetzen zu wollen.

Ezt a petíciót lefordították a következő nyelvekre

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