
Stop distributing risky birth control pills

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Petitie is gericht aan
Bundestag Committee on Petitions

326 handtekeningen

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326 handtekeningen

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  1. Begonnen 2016
  2. Handtekeningeninzameling voltooid
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De petitie is gericht aan: Bundestag Committee on Petitions

Birth control pills of the newer generations (3. and 4. generation) should be taken off the market (high-risk pill)!


“The pill” is still the most widely used form of birth control. However, nearly a thousand women in Germany have suffered from life-threatening adverse reactions after taking one of the 'newer pills': pulmonary embolisms, strokes and thromboses. According to several studies, women who take pills of the newer generations (3. and 4. generation) are at least twice as likely to suffer from thromboses than they would be on other pills – and yet, these are still prescribed. This is aggravated by the fact that gynaecologists (or other prescribing medics) often do not provide sufficient information. Unfortunately they seem to trust that newer drugs are safer drugs. This is not only the case for contraceptive pills, as independent studies, expert opinions, fatalities and cases of illness from all around the world confirm. Those pills of the 3. and 4. generation are often advertised and prescribed with additional promises such as weight loss, better skin and fuller hair. This is how especially young women are targeted. By now most pharmaceutical companies had to change the package leaflet and mention the higher risk of thrombosis – and yet, these pills are still prescribed and lead to serious illnesses even in women who do not fulfil any risk factors (women who are non-smokers and not overweight).

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Gegevens met betrekking tot de petitie

Petitie gestart: 16-11-2016
De petitie eindigt: 14-05-2017
Regio: Duitsland
Categorie: Gezondheid

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