
CO2NSEQUENCES - the carbon resource currency "ECO" as your ecological basic income

Petitioner ikke offentlig
Petitionen behandles
European Union, together with its representative institutions: the EU Commission, Parliament and Council

195 Underskrifter

Indehaveren af petitionen indgav ikke petitionen.

195 Underskrifter

Indehaveren af petitionen indgav ikke petitionen.

  1. Startede 2020
  2. Samlingen er afsluttet
  3. Indsendt
  4. Dialog
  5. Mislykket


Hvorfor er petitionen værd at støtte?

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Ved at udgive mit indlæg accepterer jeg vilkår for brug og privatlivspolitik for openPetition . Fornærmelser, bagtalelser og usande faktiske holdninger bringes til kendskab.


Hvad er argumenterne imod petitionen?

Skriv argument

Ved at udgive mit indlæg accepterer jeg vilkår for brug og privatlivspolitik for openPetition . Fornærmelser, bagtalelser og usande faktiske holdninger bringes til kendskab.

Less carbon = less humans = less animals = less woods = less grasses = less birds

Hey. Do you know, that mineral oil is made from animal and human bodies too? And large coal reserves are made from buried woods? Do you know, that we get such a high population of humans and such a green planet earth, just because we burned so much oil and coal in our human history? We get animals, woods and humans just because of enough carbon on the earth's surface. If our bodies are going 6 feets under, we bring all this carbon from oil, gas and coal back to the earth? It's a part of the natural cycle of the nature. What's your problem? For what exactly you want to pay taxes in your life?



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Ved at udgive mit indlæg accepterer jeg vilkår for brug og privatlivspolitik for openPetition . Fornærmelser, bagtalelser og usande faktiske holdninger bringes til kendskab.

Hjælp med til at styrke borgerdeltagelse. Vi ønsker at gøre dine bekymringer hørt, mens du forbliver uafhængig.

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