Regione: USA, Massachusetts
Affari sociali

Agios, release Ivosidenib for Maurice!

Firmatorio non aperto al pubblico
La petizione va a
Company Agios, USA

106.142 Firme

La petizione è stata ritirata dal promotore

106.142 Firme

La petizione è stata ritirata dal promotore

  1. Iniziato 2017
  2. Raccolta voti terminata
  3. Presentata
  4. Dialogo
  5. Mancate

10/10/2017, 11:40

Here the final information, which we did not get the drug Ivosidenib from Agios / USA, despite all efforts and disclaimer, etc., a childhood does not seem much value here.

However, our son MAURICE is doing relatively well through sugar renounce and an alternative treatment in London. Germany knows no treatment for Him.

Parents / Mothers and Fathers - Fight for your children as if it were the last day, fight for you. Doctors and companies will not do.
We will never give up.

Maik Wegner, Germany.

28/08/2017, 15:14

UPDATE: 28.08.2017 Montag: Die gnadenlose amerikanische Firma hat die Medizin im Endeffekt nicht herausgegeben. Verzichtserklärungen zum Nichtverklagen haben vorgelegen und auch Geld wäre genug da gewesen. Solche Firmen" sind am Leid der Welt Schuld und man kann nur wünschen das sie selbst nicht erkranken und ihr eigenes Mittel benötigen. Amerika Ja, Agios NEIN. Weiteres über

Neuer Sammlungszeitraum: 6 Wochen

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