Region: Customs Office at Ankara Gar, Turkey

Dear customs officer: Please release the relief supplies for refugees in Greece!

Kampanjer er ikke offentlig
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Mr. Abdullah-bey

447 Signaturer

Kampanjen ble trukket tilbake av ansvarlig

447 Signaturer

Kampanjen ble trukket tilbake av ansvarlig

  1. Startet 2017
  2. Innsamling ferdig
  3. Sendt inn
  4. Dialog
  5. Mislyktes

11.02.2017, 18:38

Dear supporters of our open letter to Abdullah-bey,

thank you so much for signing our open letter. Abdullah-bey sent an answer. Unfortunately, he will not give in. We believe that he mistakenly considered us to be supporters of violent Kurdish opposition in Turkey. As a result, our equipment was probably seized by the Turkish authorities. We do not know what happened to it.

We do know, however, that no peace will come from actions such as this. Peace will only come from humans being kind to each other. We will keep striving for this - but smarter und more wisely, taking our lesson in from this failed attempt.

Peace to you, and all the best!
Anja Osiander

09.01.2017, 18:38

Dear supporters of our open letter to Abdullah-bey, deputy director of the customs office at Ankara Gar,

today, we got news from Ankara. On our behalf, the German embassy contacted Abdullah-bey by phone. The good news is: He has received our letter, and he already has posted a response to us.
Unfortunately, we did not mention any fax number in our letter, and the customs office at Ankara Gar is not yet officially connected to the internet. So we will have to wait until the letter gets to Dresden in order to read what he has to tell us.
The bad news is: Abdullah-hey already summarized the content in his phone conversation with the German embassy in Ankara. From his point of view, nothing has changed: We have no shipping company; so there is no way to take the relief supplies back to the EU.
Take a deep breath...
We are attaching a photo that was taken last October. After having negotiated for two days, we were allowed to take our ambulance out from the customs warehouse parking lot. And off we went, all the way back to Greece.
It looks like we will not be allowed to do the same with our medical equipment.
So, all is lost? We do not think so. it takes many small steps to readjust one's thinking. Our argument with Abdullah-bey is one of those steps. It forces everyone to think it over. The world does not make sense if it continues to be ruled in this way.
Add another such argument, and yet another, and one day, their accumulated weight will push events into a different direction - towards peace.
That i what our appeal is all about.
Thank you, so much, for your support.

Sincerely yours,
the crew of "Dresden helps Kobane"

04.01.2017, 14:51

Our mood had been quite different only four months ago, in August 2016, when we packed the ambulance we had bought with the medical supplies which had been donated for our trip into Turkey...

04.01.2017, 14:47

Verena Schneider, Anja Osiander, Fettah Cetin, and Angela Finsterbusch in Dresden on December 21, 2016. We just signed the letter to Abdullah-bey in Ankara and are on our way to the post office...

02.01.2017, 22:39

Dear supporters,
please forgive the following misspellings in the English version of our petition to Mr. Abdullah-bey:
vicious cycle -> vicious circle!
mistrust -> distrust (distrust is stronger, meaning lack of faith, rather than simply having doubts)

Thank you!
Anja Osiander

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