Région: Munich

Munich Oberschleissheim: Save the Regatta!

Le pétitionnaire n'est pas public
La pétition est adressée à
City Council, State government
16 117 Soutien 3 371 en Munich

Le destinataire de la pétition n'a pas réagi

16 117 Soutien 3 371 en Munich

Le destinataire de la pétition n'a pas réagi

  1. Lancé 2016
  2. Collecte terminée
  3. Soumis
  4. Dialogue
  5. Echoué

26/10/2016 à 19:15

Dear Supporters of our petition to save the Munich regatta course,

we just reached the milestone of 15,000 signatures! Thank you so much for helping us to reach that number and for your continued support to preserve and maintain the regatta course for Munich, Bavaria, and the world and to reach out to many other people to support this petition.

From now until tomorrow at 11:59pm Munich local time, you still can motivate and activate further supporters and ask them to sign our petition. Every single signature from all over the world will make a difference. So please share the petition once again among all your friends, family members, colleagues, sport mates, and neighbors. They can still sign online or offline using a form that you can download directly from the petition’s website.

Of course, you still can use our short movie as a motivation, too: youtu.be/kxndjNNyN1M

Please share and sign to save the regatta course. 30 hours left to maintain a brilliant regatta course for the next generations of rowers and canoeists to come.

Thank you once again! Let's get some more signatures in the final hours!

Yours sincerely
Oliver Bettzieche and Regatta München e.V.

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