Region: Nepal

Allow Samjhana Pun and Prakash Khatiwada to join the international 10 class in Germany

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1.121 Underskrifter

Petitionen har bidraget til succes

1.121 Underskrifter

Petitionen har bidraget til succes

  1. Startede 2019
  2. Samlingen er afsluttet
  3. Indsendt
  4. Dialog
  5. Succes

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Petition richtet sich an: Government

In spite of all documents which indicate clearly that Samjhana Pun and Prakash Khatiwada have be admitted to an international class in Marbach am Neckar, the two Nepalese students are not allowed to travel to Germany.

We demand that Samjhana Pun and Prakash Khatiwada be permitted to fly to Germany to join the international 10 class at the Friedrich Schiller Gymnasium in Marbach am Neckar (Baden Württemberg) for one year.


Last school year (September 2018 till August 2019) we started a programme where two of our Nepalese boys could attend the international 10 class of the Friedrich Schiller Gymnasium in Marbach am Neckar (Baden Württemberg).

Encouraged by the school we wanted to continue this programme in the school year 2019/20 by this time sending a boy and a girl, Prakash Khatiwada and Samjhana Pun – the two top students of both our organisation and their Nepalese English Intermediate School. The German Embassy had given them a student visa for this school year.

As they are still minors we had made arrangements for them to fly from Kathmandu to Germany with a German family that is closely related to our organisation.

To our big surprise the children were not allowed to travel with this family. The family was accused of „doing illegal things”.

The two students were taken to the security police station in the immigration office, where we also went. We showed them all their documents which indicated clearly that they had been admitted to this international 10 class in Germany - without success.

To make a long story short, we were sent from one office to another, but in none of them was an official who had the authority to solve our case. And so Samjhana and Prakash are still not allowed to fly to Germany.

We do not understand why we were constantly given new and often contradicting information that did not prove valid.

We have the feeling that as this mistake by an official cannot be admitted we are sent around to different offices that have no competence.

We have the feeling that this is a tactic to demoralise us and deprive two very sincere, honest and hard working Nepalese students.

With your signature you support our urgent request to let Samjhana Pun und Prakash Khatiwada travel to Germany immediately to attend this international 10 class.

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Oplysninger om petitionen

Petition gestartet: 10.09.2019
Petition endet: 20.09.2019
Region: Nepal
Kategori: Administration

Denne petition er blevet oversat til følgende sprog


  • On Wednesday, September 25, 2019 Samjhana Pun and Prakash Khatiwada were finally allowed to leave Nepal together with Ellen Dietrich after an additional hour of uncertainty at the airport immigration office. We were overjoyed.

    We want to thank all those 1121 people who had signed our petition to the Nepalese Embassy in Germany and the German Embassy in Nepal and commented on it. Without your help we would have never succeeded.

    You gave us the courage to continue. In this exhausting struggle to secure approval for Samjhana and Prakash to leave Nepal you gave us the strength to endure to the end. Thank you very, very much for it!!!

    We are also grateful for the support given by the Nepalese Embassy in Berlin and the Honorary General... mere

  • Dear signers of our petition,

    Thank you very much for your very active participation in this petition and its dissemination in your circles, which has been a great success with the number of signatures.
    Within less than two days 500 of you had already signed, on Sunday we even exceeded the number 1000. Your numerous comments have shown that we fight for the right thing. In the meanwhile, we have forwarded the petition with your signatures and comments as well as a cover letter to the Nepalese Embassy in Berlin and the German Embassy in Kathmandu. We also sent them to the Honorary Consul General in Stuttgart and the Honorary Consul General in Cologne, Mr. Ram Thapa, because he is an important link between the two countries for the organisations... mere

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