Regiji: Nemčija
Civilne pravice

Bring Bivsi and her parents back to Germany

Pobudnik ni javen
Peticija je naslovljena na
German Parliamentary Committee on Petitions
50.494 podpornik 49.299 v Nemčija

Peticija je bila sprejeta

50.494 podpornik 49.299 v Nemčija

Peticija je bila sprejeta

  1. Začelo 2017
  2. Zbiranje končano
  3. Oddano
  4. Dialog
  5. Uspeh

Peticija je uspela!

The 14 years old Bivsi was born in Germany and grew up here, but one day she was kept out of a lesson at her school in Duisburg and was deported with her parents to Nepal. With this petition I want to fight for the family to come back to Germany and live their familiar life, fight with me!


Fight for fairness and help the family that they can live their familiar live!!

Hvala za tvojo podporo

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Entschuldigung, aber wo ist hier die Debatte geblieben ? Gestern war sie noch da ?

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