Região: Munique

Cardinal Marx, please maintain the exemplary project for Integration that is the Johanneskolleg

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A petição é dirigida a
Cardinal Marx

15 Assinaturas

O peticionário não entregou a petição.

15 Assinaturas

O peticionário não entregou a petição.

  1. Iniciado 2015
  2. Colecta finalizada
  3. Submetido
  4. Diálogo
  5. Falhado

A petição é dirigida a: Cardinal Marx

The International Student Dormitory, „Johanneskolleg“, located in the Munich district of Schwabing, stands of the brink of closure, after being taken over by the Diocese of Munich. We hereby remind the Diocese of Munich of their moral and pastoral responsibilities and call for: The Johanneskollge to be either rebuilt or renovated.


For the last 50 years the International Student Dormitory has been a place in which people from 98 different Nations have been able to live together in harmonious familiarity. These dark times of Xenophobic and anti-immigrant sentiments, in significant parts of the general public (typified by Pegida), calls for Solidarity, especially from The Diocese of Munich and Freising. Yet now the diocese wants to close this precious place were Integration is not merely an ideal but a reality, lived out every day as a matter of course.

Muito obrigado pelo seu apoio

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Detalhes da petição

Petição iniciada: 30/04/2015
Petição termina: 27/05/2015
Região: Munique
Categoria: Social

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