
Coach Park Tae-ha signs two-year contract with Pohang

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Bürgermeister Alexander Fischer
0 Unterstützende 0 in Doberschau-Gaußig - Dobruša-Huska

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0 Unterstützende 0 in Doberschau-Gaußig - Dobruša-Huska

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  1. Gestartet Dezember 2023
  2. Sammlung beendet
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Park Tae-ha (51) is a "one club man" who debuted in Pohang in 1991 and played only in Pohang until 2001. The Pohang Steelers announced on Monday that they signed a two-year contract with Park Tae-ha (55).


Director Park Tae-ha.
"Pohang is such a meaningful place for me that I have never forgotten about Pohang since I first joined the team," said Park, who was appointed as the 13th head coach of Pohang. "It's an honor and pleasure to be a coach of such a team. I will do my best to prepare for Pohang soccer."
Coach Park played in Pohang for nine seasons excluding his military service, scoring 46 goals and 37 assists in a total of 261 K-League games, and served as Pohang captain from 1998 to 2000. During Park's time as a player, Pohang won the K-League and the Korea Football Association (FA) Cup once each, and reached the top of the Asian Football Confederation (AFC) Champions League twice. Park Tae-ha, who started his leadership career in Pohang in 2005, helped Pohang win the K-League as a coach in 2007, and served as Korea's national coach from 2008 to 2011.

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