Region: Würzburg

Demand for Quartiersgaragen at Heuchelhof in H1

Petition is addressed to
Oberbürgermeister Christian Schuchardt, Würzburger Stadtrat, Baureferent Benjamin Schneider

1,604 signatures

Petition has contributed to the success

1,604 signatures

Petition has contributed to the success

  1. Launched May 2024
  2. Collection finished
  3. Submitted
  4. Dialogue
  5. Success

The petition was successful!

Petition is addressed to: Oberbürgermeister Christian Schuchardt, Würzburger Stadtrat, Baureferent Benjamin Schneider

Dear Lord Mayor Christian Schuchardt,
Ladies and Gentlemen of the Würzburg City Council,
Dear Mr. Benjamin Schneider, Building Officer

The dilapidated underground parking garages at Heuchelhof in H1 had to be closed in stages from October 2023 on the instructions of Würzburg's building inspectorate. It will be a long time before a solution is found, as the city of Würzburg is involved in a legal dispute with no end in sight.

We call on you to plan Quartiersgaragen at Heuchelhof in H1 and to implement them as quickly as possible.

Due to the closure of the underground parking garages, there are over 1000 vehicles searching for parking spaces every day. The situation becomes particularly acute in the evening and morning hours. Parking and driving on roads and areas is a danger for local people.

- A safe route to school is not guaranteed.
- Escape routes are blocked.
- People with disabilities no longer feel safe on the paths.
- The original concept of a traffic-free environment from playground to playground no longer exists in H1.
- Traffic-calmed areas are becoming thoroughfares.
- Traffic signs are disregarded.

This is why the Bürgerverein Heuchelhof e.V. is calling for neighborhood garages to be built in Heuchelhof H1 before the planned construction work on section A begins.

Christiane Kerner      Teresa Horn       Alexander Kühn   Martin Herrlein
Vorsitzende          Stellvertreterin   Stellvertreter       Schriftführer
Bürgerverein Heuchelhof e. V.


Due to the closure of the underground parking garages, there are over 1000 vehicles searching for parking spaces every day. The situation becomes particularly acute in the evening and morning hours. Parking and driving on roads and areas is a danger for local people.

- A safe route to school is not guaranteed.
- Escape routes are blocked.
- People with disabilities no longer feel safe on the paths.
- The original concept of a traffic-free environment from playground to playground no longer exists in H1.
- Traffic-calmed areas are becoming thoroughfares.
- Traffic signs are disregarded.

Vielen Dank für Ihre Unterstützung, Bürgerverein Heuchelhof e.V. aus Würzburg
Question to the initiator

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Petition details

Petition started: 05/05/2024
Petition ends: 08/03/2024
Region: Würzburg
Topic: Construction

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