83 signatures
Petition is addressed to: Google Developer Team, Product Owners
I would like to use this petition to persuade the makers of Google Maps to implement a function that allows specific vehicle data to be taken into account in the route calculation.
Unfortunately, I can only give feedback on Google as an individual. I would like to collect votes so that I can submit this request collectively.
Anyone with larger vehicles, motorhomes, trucks and vehicles with trailers would find it very helpful if they knew that the selected route is suitable for their vehicle. It would be good if height, weight and maximum speed could be set in the navigation settings. The route and the calculation of the arrival time should then take these parameters into account.
- According to Statista, there have been 3.74 million trucks registered in Germany since 01.01.2024
- According to the Caravanning Industry Association, there were 1.6 million leisure vehicles (caravans, motorhomes, campers) registered in Germany as of 01.01.2023
Google Maps has become indispensable, especially for the real-time display of traffic jams and obstructions.
Google Maps is constantly being expanded with many new functions. I would like to ask the development team and product managers at Google to review and implement this feature.
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European Union
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on 27 Nov 2024
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If you could tell me a route that would shorten the travel time even though it is far away, I would be grateful.