Região: Frankfurt

In Frankfurt, there must be again an U-5 station at the new jewish cemetery.

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A petição é dirigida a
Lord Mayor and head of department of traffic

1.047 Assinaturas

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1.047 Assinaturas

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  1. Iniciado 2017
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A petição é dirigida a: Lord Mayor and head of department of traffic

During the reorganization oft he U5 the stop New Jewish Cemetary was economized. This stop shall be reestablished. It has to be reconstructed suitable for handicapped people and the U 5 shall be stop there as in former time and shall be renamed New Jewish Cemetary.


The majority of the visitors of the New Jewish Cemetary are elderly people, bad walkers with mobility problems. The distance between the stop Hauptfriedhof and the stop Marbachweg is far too long for the elderly survivors. The reconstruction oft he stop was planned but suddenly vanished. I wonder what would have happened if the stop Hauptfriedhof were abolished. Would that have happened also on the quiet? The jewish Frankfurt has been erased from the map once before. Therefore we need locations in Frankfurt where jewish history and present is held in high esteem and not localities where people pass by.

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Petição iniciada: 26/03/2017
Petição termina: 24/09/2017
Região: Frankfurt
Categoria: Transportes

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