
Introduction of a CO2-card with limited budget for everyone

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Europäische Kommission

166 Underskrifter

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166 Underskrifter

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  1. Startede 2019
  2. Samlingen er afsluttet
  3. Indsendt
  4. Dialog
  5. Mislykket

Andragendet er stilet til: Europäische Kommission

The aim is to introduce a CO2 credit for each citizen that is oriented towards the goals of the Paris Climate Protection Agreement.

The overall budget will be reduced from year to year in accordance with the Paris targets. The amount of CO² associated with each consumer action of the individual citizen is deducted from his or her personal budget. This ensures that each individual consumer decision is clearly climate relevant, while at the same time the cap ensures that the climate targets are achieved.


A "Continue like this" in terms of climate protection destroys the basis of life on our planet for future generations.

Over the past 30 years, politics has proved incapable of solving the problem. The concept of CO2 credits returns the responsibility for the future of our planet to the citizen. Scientists developed such a tool more than ten years ago. Due to the lack of public (and above all political) interest in climate protection, however, this has never got beyond the knowledge of experts. The acceptance for such an efficient, just and social instrument would be much more widespread among the population today than is assumed by the politics arrested in particular interests. Even industry and business would welcome the associated planning security. And each citizen would have in the future the choice, how he integrates climatic protection into his life - for instance by renouncing meat or long-distance journeys. What is important is that everyone must do something to achieve the global goal.

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Andragende startede: 12.04.2019
Andragendet slutter: 01.04.2020
Region: Den Europæiske Union
Kategori: Miljø

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