
K League Opening D-1

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Bürgermeister Alexander Fischer
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0 Unterstützende 0 in Doberschau-Gaußig - Dobruša-Huska

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  1. Gestartet Februar 2024
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Odu, a striker who represented England by age, is also a 'eye road'
Pay attention to them!


Hana Bank K League 2024, which opens on March 1, is inflating fans' expectations with the appearance of more colorful foreign players than ever before.
Attention is focusing on whether players with various stories, including Jesse Lingard Seoul, a former English Premier League player considered one of the best-ever foreign players, Arhan Suwon FC, an Indonesian special star, and Odu Cheongju, Chungbuk, who has experienced representation by age in England, will perform.
Lingard, Odu... 'People from the European Big League'
Lingard is the name that surprised fans in the transfer market this winter.
Lingard, a midfielder from the English national team, is an attacking midfielder who has played for 13 years only in the EPL stage, including Manchester United, West Ham and Nottingham Forest.
Lingard, a multi-resource player who can even play wing forward, immediately stood tall as the biggest name in K-League history foreign player. Fans are paying keen attention to him, even jokingly saying that he might have mistaken his annual salary as a weekly wage. 토토사이트 추천
In particular, his midfield chemistry with Seoul's veteran Ki Sung-yueng, who played in the EPL stage, has rapidly emerged as one of the key points to watch this season.
It's an unfamiliar name, but striker Nathan Oduwa registered name Odu who wore the K League 2 Chungbuk Cheongju uniform also boasts a unique history.
Odu, who joined Tottenham's youth team in 2007, signed a professional contract with Tottenham in July 2012 and played for Tottenham U-18 and U-21 teams to challenge for promotion to the first team.
However, Odu, who unfortunately failed to get a chance to play, joined Cheongju in Chungbuk last month after experiencing various European leagues starting with a loan to Luton Town then the fourth division in February 2015.
Odu, who is a multiple national in England and Nigeria, also has plenty of experience as representatives by age, including the England U-17, U-18, and U-20 national teams and the Nigeria U-23 national team.
Indonesian national team defenders are here!… 'Players from AFC member countries'
Among the members of the Asian Football Confederation AFC playing in the K League this year, the most notable player is Pratama Arhan Alipri Fai registered name Arhan, a left fullback recruited by Suwon FC.
22-year-old young defender Arhan played 42 A matches for the Indonesian national team from 2021 after going through Indonesia U-19 and U-23.
In particular, Arhan is considered the most loved player by Indonesian fans for his good looks and powerful throw-in skills reminiscent of catapults. Arhan has more than 7.2 million followers on Instagram.
Asnawi made his K-League debut first as an Indonesian player, but as he played in the second division, Arhan became Indonesia's K-League 11th Player.
Australian center-backs are also eye-catching.
Gwangju FC, the leading player in last year's third-place sensation, recruited defender Aleksandar Popovich registered name Popovich, who was selected as an All-Star in the Australian A-League in 2022, to strengthen the rear.
Popovich, who has experienced Australia's U-17 and U-22 national teams, is considered to have good speed, space cover, one-on-one defensive ability, and defensive line reading ability.
In addition, Pohang, where manager Park Tae-ha took the helm, also started cracking down on the back door by bringing in Jonathan Asproportamitis registered name Aspro, who played as a starting center back for MacArthur FC Australia.
Brazil's Samba Soccer that you trust and use
Ulsan, which is aiming for its third consecutive K-League championship, brought in Kelvin, an attacking midfielder from Atleciku Goianien City in Brazil's first division, to strengthen the midfield.
Kelvin, who played 80 games in the Brazilian league alone, draws attention with multiple resources that can play all positions in the second line, including left and right wings and attacking midfielders.
Vinicius, the new playmaker brought by Jeonbuk, is also preparing for his K-League debut.
Vinicius, who played as a main player for Atletico Uila in Colombia's first division until last season, is expected to harass defenders of the opposing team due to his excellent ability to coordinate the conversion of offense and defense and his foot skills.

Vielen Dank für Ihre Unterstützung, edwardsrailcar aus Verwaltungsgemeinschaft Hausach
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