Região: Saxónia

Kindergarten free of charge for all - abolish pre-school fees!

Requerente não público
A petição é dirigida a
Sächsischer Landtag Petitionsausschuss

13.385 Assinaturas

O peticionário não entregou a petição.

13.385 Assinaturas

O peticionário não entregou a petição.

  1. Iniciado 2018
  2. Colecta finalizada
  3. Submetido
  4. Diálogo
  5. Falhado

A petição é dirigida a: Sächsischer Landtag Petitionsausschuss

Sending your child to nursery school, Kindergarten or other pre-school institutions should be free of charge for all. These fees are currently eating up all children benefits from the state (Kindergeld).

Nurseries and Kindergartens are places of education, promoting the healthy development of our children. They are an investment in our future, irrespective of the children’s age.

Berlin has abolished all fees for parents since September 2018. We ask for the state of Saxony to implement similar rules and abolish the forementioned charges.


*Nursery and Kindergarten fees are too high, especially for low-income families. *Families need better assistance *Children must be supported in their development *Access to education should be free and equal for all

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Detalhes da petição

Petição iniciada: 07/09/2018
Petição termina: 01/03/2019
Região: Saxónia
Categoria: Família

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