Region: Pforzheim

Leave the Golf IV as a memorial!

Initiativtagaren är inte offentlig
Petitionen är riktat mot
Lord Mayor Peter Boch

396 Signaturer

Initiativtagaren skickade inte in petitionen.

396 Signaturer

Initiativtagaren skickade inte in petitionen.

  1. Startad 2021
  2. Insamlingen är klar
  3. Inlämnad
  4. Dialog
  5. Misslyckade

Framställningen är riktad till: Lord Mayor Peter Boch

We want the dark blue Golf IV at the Pforzheim-Ost freeway-service-station to be preserved as a memorial for all drivers of the world. It must not be towed away and must be preserved for posterity.


This place of rest and relaxation should be preserved as a memorial for motorists. There you can find strength to continue on the road.

Tack för ditt stöd

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Information om petitionen

Petition startade: 2021-06-14
Petitionen avslutas: 2021-06-20
Region: Pforzheim
Kategori : Kultur

Denna petition har översatts till följande språk


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    Wir bedanken uns herzlich für Ihr Engagement und die Unterstützung,
    Ihr openPetition-Team

The golf course could attract tourists and media and create positive publicity for Pforzheim and the surrounding area. New job opportunities such as a bratwurst stand with postcard sales, etc. could arise dadruch. This pleases not only the pilgrims but also the general visitors to the parking lot.

The Golf will rot over the years, allowing toxic pollutants to enter the groundwater.

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