
"Luca (Doncic) is better than Dirk (Novitsky)," NBA Dallas Kid manager said

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Bürgermeister Alexander Fischer
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  1. Gestartet Januar 2024
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"Better than Dirk Novitsky. MJ Michael Jordan vibe and best ever."


"Better than Dirk Novitsky. MJ Michael Jordan vibe and best ever."
Dallas Mavericks coach Jason Kidd named Luka Doncic the best player in the franchise's history.
In an interview with Dallas radio station on the 31st, Kidd said, "The 24-year-old Doncic is in the conversation of the greatest players, including Michael Jordan."
Nowitzki, 45, and Kidd, who used to be known as German mercenaries, are the only teammates to win the NBA championship in Dallas in 2011. Kidd was the point guard and Nowitzki was the power forward, beating LeBron James' Miami Heat with four wins and two losses.
Nowitzki is a one - club man with Dallas for 21 years, with the record for most of the franchise. He is currently a special adviser to the club. 토토사이트
Kidd's remark that Doncic is better than Novichki is due to his recent performance. He led his team to a victory against the Hawks in Atlanta on the 27th, ranking fourth in scoring in a single NBA game with 73 points. At the game against the Orlando Magic on the 30th, he also scored 45 points to lead his team to a 131-129 victory. He has scored 48.7 points on average and 13 assists in three games over the past four days. He is the first foreign player to score 50 or more triple-doubles twice.
Luka Doncic, who is hitting an outside shot to avoid Kevin Durant's mark against the Phoenix Suns on the 25th. 
Doncic will turn 25 on Feb. 28. The Slovenian native was selected three times in the 2018 draft. He played for Real Madrid, Spain. The drafted team was Atlanta Hawks. However, Dallas picked Oklahoma point guard Trae Young, 25, for the fifth time. Dallas Atlanta traded for one another on the day of its nomination.
The No. 1 pick in 2018 was DeAndre Ayton, 25, a center chosen by the Phoenix Suns. He currently plays for the Portland Trail Breakers. He was picked by the Sacramento Kings as Marvin Bagley III, a power forward from Duke University. Among the 2018 draft picks, there are four players who are Doncic, Jaren Jackson Jr. No. 4 pick for the Memphis Grizzlies, Young, and Shai Gilzers-Alexander No. 11 Oklahoma City Thunder.
If Doncic is to lead Novichki as Coach Kidd said, he needs to win MVP and championship. Nowitzki has been selected as an All-Star 14 times. He won regular season MVP in 2007, NBA championship in 2011, and final MVP. He was also inducted into the Basketball Hall of Fame.
Dirk Nowitzkiwho suffered a mysterious loss from his former teammate Jason Kidd. Nowitzki who is watching the tennis tournament with Roger Federer and Steve Nash in Vancouver, Canada, in September last year. 
Doncic, who is 201 centimeters tall and weighs 104 kilograms, is a tall point guard. This year marks the sixth year of his NBA career. Michael Jordan, the "basketball emperor," led the Chicago Bulls to the championship in the 1990-91 season. He graduated from the University of North Carolina and was drafted No. 3, seven years after his debut in the NBA. Doncic is also the third nominee.

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