Область : Ерфурт

Make Erfurt a safe haven! Open Letter from Seebrücke Erfurt

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Петиція адресована
Mayor Andreas Bausewein, City council of Erfurt

647 підписи

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647 підписи

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  1. Розпочато 2019
  2. Збір завершено
  3. Надіслано
  4. Діалог
  5. Невдалий

Петиція адресована: Mayor Andreas Bausewein, City council of Erfurt

Erfurt should become a safe haven!

We demand pro-activity instead of empty promises! As a safe haven the state capital Erfurt should declare its willingness to accommodate and rescued people directly and beyond the distribution ratio.

Moreover, what we want from Erfurt is public solidarity, support and decriminalization of sea rescue, commitment for safe passage, active positioning against racist discrimination on personal as well as on institutional level and more transparency by the city. The city of Erfurt should stand up for better arrival and better perspective to stay and fight against deportations to the extent possible.

You think that the dying in the Mediterranean has to end and Erfurt must support to end it? Then become part of the movement and sign our Open Letter "Make Erfurt a safe haven!". (see Reason)

Thanks to all supporters! The Seebrücke Erfurt


Dear Mayor,

Dear city council of Erfurt,

the situation for refugees, especially at the Mediterranean Sea and in Libya, is getting worse and worse. In this year alone, more than 1000 people drowned, in the last one it was far more than 2000! This makes the external border of the EU the deadliest around the word. In the future, too, people will be forced to flee from hunger, poverty, war and persecution. Who will save them? Where will they be able to live in peace?

While the EU continues to seal off its borders, even arming a Libyan militia, dying in the Mediterranean continues. At the same time, refugees and returnees are held in Libyan torture camps. Even the UN explicitly instructs Europe not to bring people back to Libya because it is not safe there. By disregarding these conditions, the EU is violating human rights to a large extent.

Since 2015, the EU member states have been struggling to find a solution. Currently, it is only the civil Search & Rescue NGOs, such as Sea-Watch, SOS Méditerranée or Sea-Eye etc., that are rescuing people from the Mediterranean, defending human rights and thus facing up to the humanitarian responsibility that is simply ignored by the state. Rather, the NGOs are repeatedly sabotaged and criminalized in their work by the EU and its members. Ports closed to them often force the civilian sea rescue ships to wait for weeks at sea, putting the rescued people in danger again.

Because these conditions are unacceptable, a broad civil society solidarity movement has formed in Europe. Many municipalities and cities want to accommodate people and thus offer the rescued a safe haven.

By making a decision at the municipal level, a city or municipality can declare itself a safe haven and thus actively combat human rights violations. We therefore demand that Erfurt also declares itself a safe haven and actively participates in the alliance of safe havens. This is how the city shows its solidarity with refugees and offers receptive places beyond the distribution ratio. Furthermore, it commits itself to ensuring safe and dignified arrival and stay by providing all necessary resources, especially in the areas of housing, medical care, work, education, social and cultural participation. Such an application will be submitted to the Erfurt City Council in the beginning of 2020.

We must not longer just stand idly by and watch. We must seize the opportunity presented by the decision of the Landtag to make Thuringia a safe haven for a Europe of human rights („Für ein Europa der Menschenrechte - Thüringen wird sicherer Hafen“). Therefore, support the setting-up of a safe haven for refugees in Erfurt.

Together with us, ensure safe escape routes and respect for human rights in the Mediterranean!

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Розпочато петицію: 20.12.2019
Петиція закінчується: 22.04.2020
Область : Ерфурт
категорія : Міграція

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  • Liebe Unterstützende,
    der Petent oder die Petentin hat innerhalb der letzten 12 Monate nach Ende der Unterschriftensammlung keine Neuigkeiten erstellt und den Status nicht geändert. openPetition geht davon aus, dass die Petition nicht eingereicht oder übergeben wurde.

    Wir bedanken uns herzlich für Ihr Engagement und die Unterstützung,
    Ihr openPetition-Team

  • For a week now, Erfurt can call itself one of the 154 safe havens in Germany! An important step in the right direction and a reason to celebrate - at least briefly. What is most important for us is what follows now. Behind us lies a long back and forth of committees, submissions, opinions, negotiations and a long search for compromises. The decision taken on Wednesday 27 May is a reason to breathe a sigh of relief. But we will continue to work on it: we will monitor the practical implementation of the points that have been decided upon and, following on from that, demand further steps! Our work is far from being done.

    We want to make transparent what was actually going on - and what was not. After all, what compromise could five political groups... далі


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