Regija: Hildesheim
Građanskim pravima

No zoom at the University of Hildesheim

Podnositelj peticije nije javan
Peticija je upućena na
Universität Hildesheim

89 Potpisi

Podnosilac peticije nije podnio peticiju.

89 Potpisi

Podnosilac peticije nije podnio peticiju.

  1. Pokrenut 2020
  2. Zbirka završena
  3. Poslato
  4. Dijalog
  5. Neuspješno

Peticija se upućuje na: Universität Hildesheim

By signing this petition, I ask the President, the lecturers and the computer centre of the University of Hildesheim

  • To remove the web conference system "Zoom" from lists of usable or recommendable software on the university's web pages.
  • To inform the lecturers of the University of Hildesheim that Zoom is generally not suitable software for web conferences.
  • To inform the lecturers of the University of Hildesheim that it is strongly advised not to use Zoom in teaching.
  • To educate lecturers and students alike, not only now and in the coming weeks and months, that the choice of tools used for communication has far-reaching implications for participation opportunities. Therefore, particular care must be taken in deciding which technologies to use.
  • That the university is counteracting the technological inability and influence of covertly operating companies, such as Facebook and Google, by placing greater emphasis on technological training and understanding.


The reasons for mentioned claims are presented in an open letter. The letter is here:

hvala na podršci

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Informacije o peticiji

Peticija je pokrenuta: 22. 04. 2020.
Peticija završava: 20. 07. 2020.
Regija: Hildesheim
Kategorija: Građanskim pravima

Ova je peticija prevedena na sljedeće jezike


  • Liebe Unterstützende,
    der Petent oder die Petentin hat innerhalb der letzten 12 Monate nach Ende der Unterschriftensammlung keine Neuigkeiten erstellt und den Status nicht geändert. openPetition geht davon aus, dass die Petition nicht eingereicht oder übergeben wurde.

    Wir bedanken uns herzlich für Ihr Engagement und die Unterstützung,
    Ihr openPetition-Team

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