
Oh Ji-young reveals Kakao Talk conversation

Petition richtet sich an
Bürgermeister Alexander Fischer
0 Unterstützende 0 in Doberschau-Gaußig - Dobruša-Huska

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0 Unterstützende 0 in Doberschau-Gaußig - Dobruša-Huska

Die Petition wurde abgeschlossen

  1. Gestartet Februar 2024
  2. Sammlung beendet
  3. Eingereicht
  4. Dialog
  5. Beendet

A Kakao Talk conversation with Oh Ji-young, a former member of the national team, with his junior player A. 


Oh Ji-young 35, a former member of the national team who was suspended for one year for harassing two juniors and whose contract with his team Pepper Savings Bank was terminated, has announced a legal battle.
Jung Min-hoe, a lawyer at the law firm Ium, Oh Ji-young's legal representative, said on the 28th, "We intend to calmly and carefully follow the process of revealing the injustice regardless of his retirement, with Oh Ji-young's future retrial and litigation procedures in mind."
The KOVO Reward and Punishment Committee issued a one-year suspension on Oh Ji-young on the 27th, saying, "Oh Ji-young has been found to have bullied her junior since June last year, and two juniors have left the team," adding, "We confirmed through various evidences that Oh Ji-young's human rights violations, including bullying and verbal abuse."
Lawyer Chung Min-hoe said on Friday that Oh Ji-young's argument is not convincing given that she had a friendly conversation with victims A and B. "Oh Ji-young and A were in a relationship where their credibility was guaranteed. They were more like sisters than seniors and juniors," he said. "The harassment itself is not established because they are far from B."
According to Oh Ji-young's conversation, Oh Ji-young and A posted on Kakao Talk on October 30 last year, saying, "I miss you already" Oh Ji-young, "Me, too. I keep thinking of good memories A player, "Let's keep in touch, unni is so lucky to have a friend like you" Oh Ji-young, "Of course. We can't be like this." A player, "No matter what choice you make, I support you. This is not the end. Let's get along well together in the future." Oh Ji-young and others shared strong feelings.
Meanwhile, Oh Ji-young admits to giving a warning to A in the same month.
At that time, non-mainstream players A and B went out against the bylaws on the day when the main players played, and Oh Ji-young rebuked A.
A Kakao Talk conversation between Oh Ji-young and her junior B. 
Oh Ji-young said, "In October, we only warned against junior players to promote unity among team members and prevent conflicts, but there is no fact that we have bullied players or blamed junior players for no legitimate purpose or reason. If such an act becomes an object of criticism socially and legally, the concept of seniority, seniority, and seniority in the workplace will no longer exist in Korean society."
"Oh Ji-young confirmed the petitioner's claim for the first time at the first committee on reward and punishment on the 23rd. There was absolutely not enough time to prepare the rebuttal material, and he did not get enough opportunity to clarify it," he said, requesting a retrial to the KOVO committee and preparing other legal actions. 스포츠토토
Oh Ji-young is expected to submit a retrial application to KOVO on the 29th and file a lawsuit against Pepper Savings Bank to confirm the invalidity of the contract.

Vielen Dank für Ihre Unterstützung, game aus London
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