Region: Erlangen

Only 5 days to save the lives of over 500 old Trees and all plants & animals ( Erlangen 91052)

Petitioner not public
Petition is addressed to
Oberbürgermeister Florian Janik

155 signatures

Petition process is finished

155 signatures

Petition process is finished

  1. Launched 2017
  2. Collection finished
  3. Submitted
  4. Dialogue
  5. Finished

Petition richtet sich an: Oberbürgermeister Florian Janik

We want:


  • Save all lives of more than 500 Trees , plants & animals .in Erlangen
  • No single insect is allowed to be killed . no home of animals are destroyed.
  • Old people stay in their homes , no new houses here! Leave it as it is!
  • Old Oak (90 years) and other Trees and the natural environment Rathenau and here Nürnberger Street ,( 91052 Erlangen) must be protected

  • A green city for children and their children s , children for the future leave it like it is !

  • Very important never touch a running system! Nature and humans live peaceful together here and care about each other!! Some life here 40-50 years together with the birds and old trees! Some told us the deers are coming to their houses in the middle of a city!



1 SIEMENS was building in 1954 a very special WAY ! This is great and should never be changed. Nature and Architecture together with lot of space . It is unique ecological System in the middle of the City! You can' t find this somewhere outside with more nature value!! 2 No more houses to destroy social structures in this area - our grandmothers and kids need this place with all old trees and space - like it is now!! 3 This is ONLY Place we can sit and walk our dogs in great silence ! Very special place to relax & breath - take a break from our bussy working life!! 4 This year they destroyed more nature in Erlangen than the last 20 years! STOP THIS! 5 Global Warming starts here, please sign the petition all over the world because we are all connected!! 6 you can 't make a social structure it is build over many many years, but you can destroy it easy only seeing short term profit - money making for somebody not living here! 7 please sign and translate it into your language and share with friends! Thank you!

Thank you for your support

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Petition details

Petition gestartet: 01/12/2017
Petition endet: 01/14/2017
Region: Erlangen
Topic: Habitation

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