Регион: Берлин

Siemens employees against relocation and threatened job loss in the Berlin Dynamowerk

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Петицията е адресирана до
Vorstand der Siemens AG

20 511 Подписи

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20 511 Подписи

Получателят на петицията не е реагирал

  1. Започна 2018
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Petition richtet sich an: Vorstand der Siemens AG

In recent press releases the number of reports of radical workplace clear-cutting at the Berlin Dynamowerk are accumulating. The proposals range from an intended relocation to a complete closure of the more than 110 year old traditional Berlin company. These reports are bad news and a threatening blow to the employees, suppliers and their families, overall for the entire Berlin site.

Siemens in Berlin, as well as its Dynamowerk, have always been a reliable partner with and an essential part of Berlin. Siemens is providing important industrial-political impulses within the capital. Even the city’s Mayor Müller is concerned and has approached the company’s management. It is incomprehensible that Siemens does not utilize the worldwide possibilities of its industrial Berlin showcase site much more aggressively. Instead, the company chooses to shock its employees and Berlin through negative reports.

The Dynamowerk Works Council has put forward detailed proposals for further development and economic stabilization of the Dynamowerk site, demonstrating that a positive future without eliminating job positions is possible.

The Dynamowerk manufactures specialized electrical machines, as well as calculates, designs, assembles, tests and ships the world's largest electric drives for many industries (shipbuilding, extractive industries, oil and gas industries, etc.). Many customers value innovative power and therefore value our excellent technical infrastructure. Example: For our test field, which is directly coupled with the Reuter power plant in Berlin and unique in Germany, we can carry out real load tests with top-of-the-range engines and offer them to our customers. The Dynamowerk is over 110 years old, yet at the same time, today’s center for innovation. Presently, many projects are running parallel at this location, dealing with current and future engine technology. The proximity to science at more than 17 universities in Berlin provides fertile ground for sustainable innovation and future viability. Berlin needs more industrial production in order to further develop as a metropolitan center.

As employee representatives, we propose concrete and improved cooperation with these institutions.

The threat of job clear-cutting in the Dynamowerk at Siemens directly affects the capital, the surrounding area in Brandenburg, and the employees working in the plant as it poses a particularly serious setback and threat to the survival of whole families. Siemens propagates the responsibility of the elites and demands ownership understanding from its employees.

Our concern: In this sense, we, the employees of the Dynamo power plant in Berlin, protest against plans of relocation, workplace clear-cutting and site closures.

Our workforce is motivated, qualified, and due to the high level of experience of our colleagues, we have proven time and again that technological challenges will be solved by us!


We want to ensure that existing plans for the advance, improvement, and realignment of Dynamowerk in Berlin will be addressed, further developed, and implemented with us.

In this sense, we ask for professional, moral and political support at all levels. With your signature you express your support for the concerns set forth and help to bring about a change of approach within the Siemens Executive Board.

Sincerely, Your Works Council and the employees of the Siemens Dynamowerk Berlin

Further petitions for the preservation of the Siemens locations: Generatorenwerk Erfurt: https://www.openpetition.de/!siemenserfurt

Turbine plant Görlitz: https://www.openpetition.de/!siemensgoerlitz

Power plant Offenbach: https://www.openpetition.de/!siemensoffenbach

Turbo compressor factory Leipzig: https://www.openpetition.de/!siemensleipzig

Germany wide: https://www.openpetition.de/!siemensbund

On behalf of all signers. Berlin, February 11, 2018 (active until March 31, 2018)

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Информация за петицията

Petition gestartet: 11.02.2018 г.
Petition endet: 31.03.2018 г.
Регион: Берлин
категория: Икономика

Тази петиция е преведена на следните езици


  • Liebe Unterstützende,
    der Petent oder die Petentin hat innerhalb der letzten 12 Monate nach dem Einreichen der Petition keine Neuigkeiten erstellt und den Status nicht geändert. openPetition geht davon aus, dass der Petitionsempfänger nicht reagiert hat.

    Wir bedanken uns herzlich für Ihr Engagement und die Unterstützung,
    Ihr openPetition-Team

  • Petition was submitted

    на 01.04.2018

    Dear supporters of our petition.
    With your support, we were able to reach the self-imposed goal of 20,000 signatures in time for the 31.03.2018.
    Without YOU, that would not have been possible. Thank you very much.

    The handing over of the petition will take place in April '18 to Mrs. Janina Kugel (Labor Director of Siemens AG).

    Your works council Dynamowerk

  • Liebe Unterstützer unserer Petition.
    Durch Ihre Unterstützung konnten wir das selbst gesetzte Ziel von 20.000 Unterschriften fristgerecht zum 31.03.2018 erreichen.
    Ohne SIE wäre das nicht möglich gewesen. Dafür unseren herzlichsten Dank.
    Aber auch viele fleißige betriebliche „Sammler“ und der unermüdliche Einsatz einer besonderen Angehörigen waren von Nöten, um diesen Erfolg zu generieren.
    Wir haben bei diversen Sammelaktionen vor Ort aktive Unterstützung und Zuspruch in direkten Gesprächen erleben dürfen.
    All diese Erfahrungen machen uns Mut und geben uns Zuversicht, dass wir den Beschluss der Firmenleitung verändern und somit den Fortbestand des Dynamowerkes sichern können.
    Die Übergabe der Petition soll noch im April‘18 an Fr. Janina Kugel... по-нататък

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