Regione: Vokietija
Mažumų apsauga

The word pair "Sinti and Roma" isn't the designation of Sinti folk

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Peticija adresuota
Deutscher Bundestag Petitionsausschuss

1 033 parašai

Pareiškėjas prašymo nepateikė/įteikė.

1 033 parašai

Pareiškėjas prašymo nepateikė/įteikė.

  1. Pradėta 2017
  2. Rinkimas baigtas
  3. Pateikta
  4. Dialogas
  5. Nepavyko

Petition richtet sich an: Deutscher Bundestag Petitionsausschuss

The German Bundestag may decide that the german Sinti gain recognition of being a german independent autochthonous minority. The Sinti folk isn't a subgroup of the Roma folk.

In Germany do not only live 4 groups of autochthonous national subgroups, but also 5: - Danes in Southern Schleswig - Frisians - German Sinti - German Roma - Lusatian Serbs


Because of the term "Sinti and Roma" the German Sinti folk lose their identity, even though they have been living for more than 600 years in Germany. The oldest reference from arrival of the German Sinti on german ground dates back to the territory of today's Lower Saxony in the City Hildesheim - the famous "Hildesheimer Weinamtsrechnung" of 1407. This historic document verifies the over 600 years old history of German Sinti. The word pair "Sinti and Roma" (a non-word) is not the designation of Sinti folk themselves. The majority of the Sinti folk never called themselve "Sinti and Roma". This construct is vehemently refused by the majority of German Sinti folk, because this term represents distortion of historical process. The Sinti folk are an independent (autochthone) ethnic group, theyre not a subgroup of the Roma folk and they aren't part of the Roma folk. Sinti are a German minority, Germany is their home for more than 600 years.

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Petition gestartet: 2017-04-23
Petition endet: 2017-05-09
Regione: Vokietija
tema: Mažumų apsauga

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